Explore Miro’s collaborative universe through our captivating collage video
Miro Distributed'22
Miro’s company has opened the doors to their infinite collaborative world to represent through the collage technique what Miro is for its clients and what is expected in the future for this groundbreaking brand.
The collage video was exhibited during the company’s biggest annual event, Distributed’22. “Make space for humans” was this year’s theme to celebrate new ways of collaborative work. We were very excited to know that the video was featured at the beginning of each main stage conference and also in Miro’s website.
Miro provided us with the script, but gave us creative freedom to bring it to life. Using a collage technique, we built a surreal world made of a mix of vintage and contemporary videos and images.

Mathieu Felix
Federico Gonzalez
Javier Pinto
Marie Negretti
Marie Negretti
Adriana Campos
Júlia Martin
Andrea Stinga
Samuel Checa
Luis Mejía
Júlia Martin
Ignacio Román
Laura Gómez