Embark on the cinematic journey of «The DNA of Murder» opening titles, blending film-noir with projection mapping as scenography
DNA of a Murder Opening Titles
Our Friends of Aggressive asked us to help them to create the opening titles for the latest true crime series from Oxygen TV: «The DNA of Murder». The director duo wanted to mix cinematography and projection mapping again, to use light to create surreal spaces and to resemble a Film-Noir mood in a 30-second piece. The main objective was to build the entire sequence around experimental in-camera visual effects.
We started working together to gather references and mood images into a Pitch. We wanted to solve different scenes using projection techniques to create a mood and a coherent sequence to explain the quest of Paul Holes solving cold cases crimes.
After getting awarded, we started to work on a tight deadline to create all the visual content that would be used on set while recording. We created preview files for each shot to try to recreate the conditions of the set.
With a total of 8 key scenes, we produced specific animations to create a detective context to be used as content and lighting for the character on set.
It was a really interesting process to receive and re-compose a lot of visual material from old cold cases to create different designs.

Alex Topaller
Daniel Shapiro
Eli Born
Alex Aab
Geoff Flint
Brandon Epperson
Jason Yantz
Mathieu Felix
Federico Gonzalez
Javier Pinto
Dan Garotte
Gerard Foix
Marcel Hita
Felipe Kenji
Carlos Arandia
Albert Sanz
Daniel Guillén
Michal Sawtyruk
Won Cha
Camila Araujo Vasquez
Mercer Boffey
Dominik Deras
Wesley Slover